Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Fish Story

Here is another pricing technique I use, and probably just as much as the Charles Kimble story, (March 8 2008 blog )in fact I use them many times together on the same appointment, if one story isn’t bringing them to reality. I am not sure where I first got this technique to assist sellers in pricing their homes correctly, but I have heard the Howard Brinton Stars use it frequently. I highly recommend his Star Power Club; you can listen to the super stars of our industry. They tell you how they do it, just go to www.gostarpower.com/ and sign up, it will definitely move your career in the right direction.

Many people especially men have some knowledge of fishing and fish finders used on boats. When using it I draw a line which illustrates the water or ocean then a boat, fish hook and line in the water and then show the fish schooling below it, what is important is to demonstrate that fish rarely leave the school and swim up and take the bait, to sellers that’s the Buyer from New York, ever noticed how Floridian sellers think all New Yorkers are dummies and willing to pay more for their home than it is really worth. Well the fish leaving the school is the New Yorker; I say it’s not happening. You must get them to drop their hook (price) into the school of Buyers, in our market today, that’s below the school, so the fish swim into it as they school downward.

When the fish are schooling downward the Pro’s in real estate prosper, for those of you experiencing a declining market for the first time, how well you teach your sellers how to fish will determine whether you have skinny kids or not.

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